
something deep...

well, i wanted to sit here and write something profound, something that would even impress myself... but I began to think that that wouldn't really impress myself because I have always tried to impress people, I have always tried to woo people (win others over as the test for RA class said)... I'm not really sure why that is engrained into my personality, but is it who I am? and what I do?... but I really don't know why...

why is it important to be profound?

maybe I want people to respect me...

maybe I should shut up... it worked for St. Augustine

"preach the gospel at all times, and if necessary use words"



Anonymous said...

you know the cool thing?? sometimes God speaks through us the most when we don't do anything and when we don't even realize it. Your example is a picture of Jesus. Keep keeping the Main thing the Main thing...you never know what God will do through that!

I love you :)

Anonymous said...

you say you want people to respect you. i respect you SO much, and not because you're family. (i respect you a lot more than the rest of our crazy fam!) But i respect you because of who you are... not because you do or say something in particular... but because i think you are an amazing individual, and i am proud to call you my cousin! :-) love you!!